Saturday, August 13, 2011

coffee break is over

A man goes to Hell. He's greeted there by a smiling demon-like-creature.
"Greetings, traveler, welcome to Hell! I am Satan. I'll be your care taker
and tour guide."

The man replied "This is unexpected. I thought you'd be a lot harsher!"

"Sir, the things they tell you about me upstairs are extreme exaggerations.
You are going to be tormented for eternity. Why should I make that harder
for you?"

"Well, thank you!" said the man.

The Devil explained, "Let's go on the tour. Today we have three choices for
your punishment."

"Well, that seems awfully fair. I accept!"

They come to the first door and open it. Inside are people be repeatedly
sliced open with rusty saws. Screams of souls in pain and demons enjoying
themselves filled the room.

"Wow," said the man, "I hate pain. Let's try the next one."

The second room had people being repeatedly melted into vats of acid. Agony
filled the room as clouds of acidic gas bellowed out through the door.

"Oh, I can't take this one either," exclaimed the man.

"I understand. You know, even I can't stand the smell of the acid," replied
the Devil. "So, that brings us to the Third Door. One of my favorites!"

Inside the room, people were standing up to their knees in sewage. Filthy,
fecal-ridden sewage that made stomachs turn. The people in the room,
however, were drinking large mugs of coffee.

The man was surprised! "This is going to have to be it for me. I'm sure I
can get used to the sewage and I just love coffee! If I'm going to have to
do something for eternity, this will be it."

Satan wanted to confirm his choice. "Are you sure?"

"Yes! I just love coffee."

"OK," said the Devil, handing the man a cup of coffee that wasn't there

The man took a few sips as the Devil started to leave the room. Then, just
before the door closed completely, Satan stuck his head back in and said "By
the way, coffee break is over . BACK ON YOUR HEADS!"

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